
Potential Crisis of your Map Navigation.

An important function of Internet is that the Map Services. There are lots of website offer this kind of services. Thanks to Google Map, which is efficient, high speed and accurate,has taken 98.29% mobile users market of the world. However, nothing is perfect.

Google Map Result

The postcode (EC2M 4YF) shows on the picture have two different result while we try to search it use Google Map and Ovi Map, in other words, one of their two Map Services has something wrong.

Ovi Map Result

Obviously, the Google Map shows us a wrong address, not only for our Mobile but also the Computer. There's an "A" marked on the map, so people will think that's the address of postcode, if you look carefully, the left bar shows "EC2M", no"4YF" at all.

If you go out and use Google Map as a guide, don't use the postcode only, probably try another Map Services as review, otherwise, you will miss your appointment.

